Reforestamos México A.C. trabaja para asegurar los bosques y selvas que México necesita para su desarrollo sostenible. Su objetivo es detener la deforestación, fomentar el manejo forestal sostenible y promover la restauración integral del paisaje.

Reforestamos México A.C. works to ensure that Mexico has the forests and jungles it needs for sustainable development. The purpose of Reforestamos México is to stop deforestation, promote sustainable forest management, and comprehensive landscape restoration.

Ha ganado varios galardones, entre los que destacan el Premio Nacional al Mérito Forestal 2009 y el de la Conservación de la Naturaleza 2018, entregados por la CONANP y la SEMARNAT; el Energy Globe 2020, por su iniciativa Joven Emprendedor Forestal y, en 2021, el Xochitla, por su trayectoria.

The organization has earned several awards, such as the 2009 National Award to Forestry Merit and the 2018 Nature Conservation Award, presented by CONANP (National Commission for Protected Natural Areas) and SEMARNAT (Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources); the 2020 Energy Globe, for its Young Forest Entrepreneur Initiative; and in 2021, the Xochitla Award for its track record.